Yamamoto, Nobito
Professor, Department of Computer Science, The University of Electro-Communications
Membership: | The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, The Mathematical Society of Japan |
Research fields: | Numerical analysis, Self-validating numerics, Numerical verification methods for PDE's |
Keywords: | Verified Numerical Computation, Numerical Methods with Guaranteed accuracy, Computer Assisted Proof, Interval Arithmetic, Finite Element Methods |
Curriculum Vitae:
Family name: | Yamamoto |
Forenames: | Nobito |
Office address: 1-5-1 Chofu-ga-oka, Chofu, Tokyo, Japan 182-8585
1979-1984 | Faculty of Science, Kyoto University (Bachelor of Science) |
1984-1986 | Postgraduate school of Kyoto University (Master of Engineering) |
1993 | Received the degree of Doctor of Science from Kyushu University |
1987-1994 | Research Associate, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University. |
1994-1999 | Lecturer, Graduate School of Mathematics, Kyushu University. |
1999-2006 | Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, The University of Electro-Communications |
2006-present | Professor, Department of Computer Science, The University of Electro-Communications |
- Yamamoto, N. : Uniqueness and existence of the solution of a diffusion equation with moving boundaries, Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyushu Univ. Ser.A, Vol.45 (1991) 19-40.
- Nakao, M.T. and Yamamoto, N. : Numerical verifications of solutions for elliptic equations with strong nonlinearity, Numer. Funct. Anal. and Optimiz., Vol.12 (1991) 535-543.
- Kumamoto, S., Yamamoto, N. and Nohmi, M. : On dynamical behavior of Gauss-Seidel type finite cellular automata, Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyushu Univ. Ser.A, Vol.47 (1993) 15-26.
- Yamamoto, N. and Nakao, M.T. : Numerical verifications of solutions for elliptic equations in nonconvex polygonal domains, Numer. Math. Vol.65 (1993) 503-521.
- Yamamoto, N. and Nakao, M.T. : Numerical verifications for solutions to elliptic equations using residual iterations with a higher order finite element, J. Comput. Appl. Math., Vol.60 (1995) 271-279.
- Watanabe, Y., Yamamoto, N. and Nakao, M.T. : Verified computations of solutions for nondifferentiable elliptic equations related to MHD equilibria, Nonlinear Anal., Theory, Method & Appl., Vol.28 (1997) 577-587.
- Nakao, M.T., Yamamoto, N. and Kimura, S. : On the best constant in the error bound for the H10-projection into piecewise polynomial spaces, J. Approx. Theory, Vol.93 (1998) 491-500.
- Nakao, M.T. and Yamamoto, N. : Numerical verification of solutions for nonlinear elliptic problems using an Linfty residual method, J. Math. Anal. Appl., Vol.217 (1998) 246-262.
- Nakao, M.T. and Yamamoto, N. and Watanabe, Y. : A posteriori and constructive a priori error bounds for finite element solutions of the Stokes equations, J. Comput. Appl. Math., Vol.91 (1998) 137-158.
- Nakao, M.T. and Yamamoto, N. and Watanabe, Y. : Constructive L2 error estimates for finite element solutions of the Stokes equations, Reliab. Comput., Vol.4 (1998) 115-124.
- Yamamoto, N. : A numerical verification method for solutions of boundary value problems with local uniqueness by Banach's fixed point theorem, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol.35 (1998) 2004-2013.
- Nakao, M.T., Yamamoto, N. and Nagatou, K. : Numerical verifications for eigenvalues of second-order elliptic operators, Japan J. Indust. Appl. Math., Vol.16 (1999) 307-320.
- Nagatou, K., Yamamoto, N. and Nakao, M.T. : An approach to the numerical verification of solutions for nonlinear elliptic problems with local uniqueness, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim., Vol.20 (1999) 543-565.
- Watanabe, Y., Yamamoto, N. and Nakao, M.T. : A numerical verification method of solutions for the Navier-Stokes equations, Reliab. Comput., Vol.5 (1999) 347-357.
- Watanabe, Y., Yamamoto, N., Nako, M.T. : Verification methods of generalized eigenvalue problems and its applications, Transaction of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol.9 (1999) 137-150. (In Japanese)
- Kimura, S. and Yamamoto, N. : On explicit bounds in the error for the H10-projection into piecewise polynomial spaces, Bull. Inform. Cybernet., Vol.31 (1999) 109-116.
- Minamoto, T., Yamamoto, N. and Nakao, M.T. : Numerical verification method for solutions of the perturbed Gelfand equation, Methods Appl. Anal., Vol.7 (2000) 251-262.
- Yamamoto, N. : A simple method for error bounds of eigenvalues of symmetric matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol.324 (2001) 227-234.
- Nakao, M.T., Yamamoto, N. : A guaranteed bound of the optimal constant in the error estimates for linear triangular element, Computing Supplementum, Vol.15 (2001) 165-173.
- Nakao, M.T., Watanabe, Y. and Yamamoto, N. : Verified numerical computations for an inverse elliptic eigenvalue problem with finite data, Japan J. Indust. Appl. Math., Vol.18 (2001) 587-602.
- Yamamoto, N. and Hayakawa, K. : Error estimation with guaranteed accuracy of finite element method in nonconvex polygonal domains, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 159 (2003) 173-183.
- Nakao, M.T. Watanabe, Y., Yamamoto, N. and Nishida, T. : Some computer assited proofs for solutions of the heat convection problems, Reliable Computing, Vol.9 (2003) 359-372.
- Watanabe, Y., Yamamoto, N., Nakao, M.T. and Nishida, T. : A numerical verification of nontrivial solutions for the heat convection problems, J. Math. Fluid Mech., Vol.6 (2004) 1-20.
- Yamamoto, N., Matsuda, N. : Validated computation for Bessel functions with multiple-precision arithmetic, Transaction of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol.15,N0.3 (2005) 347-359. (In Japanese)
- Watanabe, Y.,Yamamoto, N., Nakao,M.T. : An efficient approach to the numerical verification for solutions of elliptic differential equations with local uniqueness, Transaction of the Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol.15,N0.4 (2005) 509-520. (In Japanese)
- Yamamoto, N., Genma, K. : On error estimation of finite element approximations to the elliptic equations in nonconvex domains, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 199 (2007) 286-296.
- Nakao, M.T. and Yamamoto, N. : Numerical verification of solutions for elliptic problems by the residual methods, Proceedings of the 1st China-Japan Seminar on Numerical Mathematics, Beijing, 1993.
- Nakao, M.T. and Yamamoto, N. : A simplified method of numerical verification for nonlinear elliptic equations, International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA '95), 263-266, Las Vegas, 1995.
- Nakao, M.T., Yamamoto, N., Watanabe, Y. : Guaranteed error bounds for finite element solutions of the Stokes problem, Scientific Computing and Validated Numerics, G. Alefeld et al. edited, Akademie Verlag, 1996.
- Nakao, M.T., Yamamoto, N. and Nishiura, Y. : Numerical verification of the solution curve for some parametrized nonlinear elliptic problem, Proceedings of Third China-Japan Seminar on Numerical Mathematics, 238-245, Science Press. Beijing, 1998.
- Yamamoto, N., Nakao, M.T. and Watanabe, Y. : Validated computation for a linear elliptic problem with a parameter, Advances in Numerical Mathematics; Proceedings of the Fourth Japan-China Joint Seminar on Numerical Mathematics, 155-162, GAKUTO Internat. Ser. Math. Sci. Appl. 12, Gakkotosho, Tokyo, 1999.
- Nakao, M.T. and Yamamoto, N. : A guaranteed bound of the optimal constant in the error estimates for linear triangular element, Part II: Details, Perspectives on enclosure methods (Karlsruhe, 2000), 265-276, Springer, Vienna, 2001.
Computational Science